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1 Plain ol' Curt  Sep 10, 2009 8:59:45pm

You mean that the Maobamanation would close dealerships that contributed to Republicans?!

How totalitarian of his majesty!

2 baier  Sep 10, 2009 9:31:45pm

Heritage Foundation debunked this myth using statistics (that’s a kind of math eggheads get learned in college). They have charts and everything.

Political interference in this process, or any process so dominated by the government, is of coursealways a concern. In this case, however, claims that the method by which dealers were selected was biased appear to be unfounded, with no correlation between political contributions and terminations. Instead, the real danger of interference comes from efforts in Congress and elsewhere to overturn these painful but economically necessary choices made in the hopes of returning automakers to profitability.

3 Tamron  Sep 11, 2009 12:48:05am

Well, then.

Debunk THIS.

4 baier  Sep 11, 2009 5:02:01am

I’m not going to debunk Craigslist postings or random blogs, this story is bullshit.

5 Tamron  Sep 11, 2009 12:16:50pm

Linky, please!

6 Baier  Sep 11, 2009 1:42:52pm

This explains it all.

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